

Makeup wipes: The Enemy?

by December 30, 2016


Source: dailymail.co.uk
Makeup wipes have become that lazy "woman's" way of taking makeup off, we get it you had a long day but is it really the best way to clean off your makeup at any point of the day? Let me share my experience. 
My friend and I came back from a photo shoot at night. I couldn't walk around too much cause I was tired. I had to clean my makeup off though, so she handed me a makeup wipe, Cleaned my face, went to sleep and woke up with a horrid rash on my face. I have sensitive skin, so went it reacts, it'll react bad. That whole week I had to deal with getting my skin back to base.

How to remove a security tag

by December 24, 2016

DIY : How to remove SECURITY TAGS.

Has this ever happened to you?. You go to a shop, buy an item and come back home to try it only to see this THING hanging on the edge. You start contemplating on how you'd have to go back there with a receipt and show evidence you bought it and all those loads of stress. Now you don't have to. Here's my DIY to removing a security tag. 
WARNING: You will need an adults help with this and do this at your own risk. If you follow my steps, you won't encounter any problem.


You will need the following;
  1.  A lighter or regular matches.
  2.  Something pointed i.e pen, screwdriver, a knife.

2. Method

First of all, you go outside to an open area, and light the matches or use the lighter and heat the rounded part of the tag. It's plastic so it would catch fire. Make sure the fabric is held away from the fire completely. Do this carefully.

Let it burn till you start seeing the spring, then blow the fire out .
Next, you'd get out the pointed object and remove the string and a small metal that's contained inside.

 After you've removed them you can easily remove the nail from the plastic and out of the item you bought. Viola! You're problem is solved.

If you have any other problems you need diy solutions to below, please comment down in the comments below. 

Splurge vs Save

by December 03, 2016

Drugstore Dupes For High End Products:  Foundation

See a foundation you like from a brand but you can't seem to afford it or can't see yourself reaching in your pocket to bring out money for something so small but expensive. Is there something that would be cheaper but give the same results? Yes! Drugstore dupes have become a really helpful trend for those whose pockets aren't that big to buy a lot of the expensive products out there. Save your self that buck and stock up on dupes that give the same results. I took out my time to point our dupes for your favourite high-end products.
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